I am looking for a solution to allow the loading of an XML file where the named value Total
allows a difference of 1 cent above or below the actual value, for this solution I get the value of the Total XML file as follows:
$xml = new SimpleXMlElement( $_FILES['XmlToUpload']['tmp_name'], 0, true );
$total = (float)$xml['Total'];
To explain in detail what I want to achieve I will put the following example, when reading the node Total
of the XML file it obtains the following value Total= "9840.00"
, what I want to allow when loading the XML file is that it allows that total even if it has a difference of more or less 1 cent, that is, even if the Total
XML file has a value of Total="9839.99"
o Total="9840.01"
allows the file to be loaded.
The XML file is loaded as follows:
$fileXML = $_FILES['XmlToUpload']['name'];
$pathXML = "//LOCATION/XML/";
$filepathXML = $pathXML.$fileXML;
if(move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['XmlToUpload']['tmp_name'], $pathXML . $fileXML)){
echo 'Success Upload File';
I hope someone can give me some guidance on how to do this validation.
Update 1:
What I tried to compare the Total value if it is within the 1-cent slack was to add two new variables, one adding to the total an amount of "0.01" and the other variable subtracting the amount of "0.01" .
I declare the variables as follows:
$totalMgS = $total + "0.01";
$totalMgI = $total - "0.01";
I then go ahead and create the following validation in the load section of my XML file:
if($total <= $totalMgS && $total >= $totalMgI){
if(move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['XmlToUpload']['tmp_name'], $pathXML . $fileXML)){
echo 'Esta dentro de la holgura';
echo "No esta dentro de la holgura";
When I try to load an XML file where $total
it has a difference of 0.01, the file does not load and it gives me the message "It is not within the slack"
Are there any changes I need to make to my validation?
Update 2
Returning to the topic again and to validate it, I was analyzing all this time that I have to compare the total with another, and indeed now I visualize it like this, that other number with which I have to compare it is stored in a database table which I am displaying in an HTML tag as follows:
<div class="form-group row" >
<label for="lblName" class="col-sm-3 col-form-label">Total:</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<input type="text" name="txtTotal" class="form-control" id="txtTotal" disabled>
Then I declare in my Javascript the variable:
var TotalTable = $("#txtTotal").val();
Then I add it to my data to later be called from PHP.
datosForm.append("TotalTable", $("#txTotal").val());
And finally I call it from PHP.
$TotalReal = (isset($_POST["TotalTable"]));
I have called my variable in PHP as$TotalReal
To validate that the total is the same that I have in my HTML tag and that it is the same that I have stored in the database, I print the variable $TotalReal
but this only returns 1.
I am printing it as follows:
echo $TotalReal;
Is there something I need to change in how I am getting the variable from Javascript? Or do I have to do some conversion to data type float
Update 3:
To assign the value to the input I do it from a Javascript function as follows:
function CargarArchivo (Total){
Update 4:
I have adapted my code to an answer, but when trying to print the result of my variable isundefined
$totalreal = (isset($_POST['TotalTable']));
if(isset($_POST['TotalTable']) ) {
$totalreal = $_POST['TotalTable'];
} else {
// No se recibió ningún valor en el input 'TotalTable'
$margen = "0.01";
echo $totalreal;
if($total >= $totalreal - $margen && $total <= $totalreal + $margen){// Está dentro del margen
} else {
// No está dentro del margen
As you can see, I am printing before, just for testing purposes, the $totalreal
, but this returns a variableundefined
Update 5:
I have corrected the problem of the undefined variable, this was because the variable that I was placing in the data did not exist, this was because I needed a letter in the name of the variable, it is now corrected.
Now the problem that I am having is that the XML file that I am loading has the difference of 1 cent against $totalreal
it and even so the error that it indicates is that it is not within the margin.
For what it's worth, I add the XML file that I'm loading and which contains the node that I want to compare.
<cfdi:Voucher xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
It is important to make it clear that I am already reading that $total from the XML file as follows:
$total = (float)$xml['Total'];
Is there any modification that I need to do in the validation ?