I have a problem, I have an array that has certain null values, I would like to change all the null values to 0, I tried with .replace but it didn't work. I appreciate any help.
This is my code, I bring the original array from PHP, I would need to go through the array and replace the null values with 0
url: 'STATS/metas.php',
type: 'GET',
dateType: 'text',
success: function(response){
let metas = JSON.parse(response)
let cultivo = metas[0].totalCultivado
let cosecha = metas[0].totalCosechado
let diferencia = metas[0].diferencia
let metasChicas = metas[0].metasChicas
let metasMedianas = metas[0].metasMedianas
let cultivoKG = metas[0].KGcultivados
let cultivoATADO = metas[0].ATADOScultivados
let cultivoUNIDAD = metas[0].UNIDADEScultivadas
let cosechaKG = metas[0].KGcosechados
let cosechaATADO = metas[0].ATADOScosechados
let cosechaUNIDAD = metas[0].UNIDADEScosechadas
$('#kgCultivos').html(cultivoKG + " kg")
$('#atadoCultivos').html(cultivoATADO + " atados")
$('#unidadCultivos').html(cultivoUNIDAD + " unidades")
$('#kgCosechado').html(cosechaKG + " kg")
$('#atadoCosechado').html(cosechaATADO + " atados")
$('#unidadCosechado').html(cosechaUNIDAD + " unidades")