Good afternoon, I have the following problem within an ngfor, so far it complies with the values, but I would like the condition All to be greater than or equal to 9 to only be repeated once and for all the keys of the program to be shown in the tooltip .
Until now it is all I have, when it does not comply it is shown separately and the respective key, but if I want that when they are all the other condition is fulfilled and in the tooltip it shows all the names of the programs separated by commas.
<div *ngFor="let clave of Proyecto.j_programa" class="listar_programas">
<span pTooltip="{{clave.programa}}" tooltipPosition="bottom" class="font-bold">{{ Proyecto.j_programa?.length >= 9 ? 'Todos' : clave.clave_programa+', '}}</span>
Likewise, I don't know how to use the join function on the key.program_key variable since I currently concatenate it like this > +', ' and I want the last element to have a period or not show anything.
Currently it prints like this: GA, IA, II,
something like this: GA, IA, II.
I read that with .join but it gives me the result and everything bugs.