My goal is to draw controls dynamically from an array of metadata that comes from the backend for example this
"MetadataServicio": [
"DATA_TYPE": "Varchar",
"FIELD_TYPE": "Textbox",
"FK_ID_SERVICIO": "009",
"IS_QUERY": "0",
"LABEL": "Dato",
"ORDEN": "2",
"VALIDATION": "null",
"VALUE": ""
"DATA_TYPE": "",
"FIELD_TYPE": "Combo",
"FK_ID_SERVICIO": "009",
"IS_QUERY": "0",
"LABEL": "Identificador",
"ORDEN": "1",
"VALUE": "[{\"Valor\":\"C\u00e9dula\"},{\"Valor\":\"Cuenta\"}]"
This here means that I have a combo that will have 2 values ID and Account, but there could be n combos that I had to create dynamically
For this create a class containing
class ArrayComboBoxDatas {
var selectedObject : String
var pickerObject : UIPickerView
var destinationEntities : [String]
var orden : String
var textField:TextField
And in my class where I add the controls I have an array of said class
var arrayCombosBoxsOn = [ArrayComboBoxDatas]()
Then to add the combo I do:
func agregarComboBox(metaDato:ServiceMetaData){
var txtAux = TextField.init(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 21))
txtAux.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
txtAux.textColor =
txtAux.tag = Int(metaDato.ORDEN)!
var comboBoxOnAux = ArrayComboBoxDatas.init()
comboBoxOnAux.selectedObject = ""
let pickewViewAux = UIPickerView()
pickewViewAux.tag = Int(metaDato.ORDEN)!
comboBoxOnAux.pickerObject = pickewViewAux
comboBoxOnAux.orden = metaDato.ORDEN
var arrayStringStringAux = [String]()
let keysValues = metaDato.VALUE
let data = .utf8)!
do {
if let jsonArray = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options : .allowFragments) as? [Dictionary<String,Any>]
for valores in jsonArray {
var valor = valores["Valor"] as! String
} else {
print("bad json")
} catch let error as NSError {
comboBoxOnAux.destinationEntities = arrayStringStringAux
What this does is fill my Array of combos which contains reference to the box created to the picker of it and its data, to then go through this entire array and create the connections of the pickers
func createPickers(){
for info in arrayCombosBoxsOn{
let toolbar = UIToolbar()
let done = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .done, target: nil, action: #selector(donePressedGeneric))
toolbar.setItems([done], animated: false)
info.textField.inputAccessoryView = toolbar
info.textField.inputView = info.pickerObject
info.pickerObject.delegate = self
info.pickerObject.dataSource = self
info.pickerObject.tag = 4
The theme comes from the delegate
func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, numberOfRowsInComponent component: Int) -> Int {
switch pickerView.tag {
case 0:
return CommonViewController.OrigenesCuentas.count
case 1:
return servicesTypesArray.count
case 2:
return servicesArray.count
How could I, based on what I have, dynamically place the amount and other data? How could I resolve showing combos dynamically easier than a uipickersview? , I am open to achieving it in the way I thought or looking for more efficient alternatives, thanks