Hi, I have this code snippet:
$this->Flash->success('Reset password link has been sent to your email ('.$myemail.'), please open your inbox');
is a message that appears on the screen, once the user requests to reset their password.
$myemail is the variable that stores the email that is entered.
This is the code I use for lore in my .po file
msgid "Reset password link has been sent to your email ('.$myemail.'), please open your inbox"
msgstr "El enlace para restablecer la contraseña se ha enviado a su correo electrónico ('.$myemail.'), abra su bandeja de entrada"
I am using cakephp, like fremawork. the way i'm doing it, the message is not translated. Perhaps because of having a concatenated variable in said message. Do you have any idea how I should correct it?