You see, I was practicing conditionals and using the short circuit operator to assign a value to a variable, I didn't quite understand why values are considered true or false even though they are not booleans.
try this example
let hola,hola2="Hola mundo"
hola = hola2 || "Adios"
In this case the value I got was the value of hello2 as it was considered true.
While in this other example using &&
let hola,hola2="Hola mundo"
hola = hola2 && "Adios"
I got the second value which in this case is "Goodbye"
From what I learned about the short-circuit operators when using them to assign a value to a variable, it is that in the case of using the operator || if the first value is true it will assign the first value to the variable and if it is false it will assign the second value. In the case of the && operator, if the first value is true, the second value is assigned to the variable and if not, the first value is assigned.
I did another test doing this example with if:
let persona="Hola mundo";
console.log("Hola mundo");
console.log("No es null o undefined");
console.log("Es null o undefined");
My question is, why are my variables considered true or false if they are not boolean? true value when they have a stored value and false when they are undefined or null. Is it proper to language to do that?