select id,
name as "Nombre",
identity_number as "CIF",
(select sum(total)
from invoice
where payment_date between '2017-01-01' and '2017-02-01' and customer_id=c.id group by customer_id) as "Enero",
(select sum(total)
from invoice
where payment_date between '2017-02-01' and '2017-03-01' and customer_id=c.id group by customer_id) as "Febrero",
(select sum(total)
from invoice
where payment_date between '2017-03-01' and '2017-04-01' and customer_id=c.id group by customer_id) as "Marzo",
(select sum(total)
from invoice
where payment_date between '2017-04-01' and '2017-05-01' and customer_id=c.id group by customer_id) as "Abril",
(select sum(total)
from invoice
where payment_date between '2017-05-01' and '2017-06-01' and customer_id=c.id group by customer_id) as "Mayo",
(select sum(total)
from invoice
where payment_date between '2017-06-01' and '2017-07-01' and customer_id=c.id group by customer_id) as "Junio",
(select sum(total)
from invoice
where payment_date between '2017-07-01' and '2017-08-01' and customer_id=c.id group by customer_id) as "Julio",
(select sum(total)
from invoice
where payment_date between '2017-08-01' and '2017-09-01' and customer_id=c.id group by customer_id) as "Agosto",
(select sum(total)
from invoice
where payment_date between '2017-09-01' and '2017-10-01' and customer_id=c.id group by customer_id) as "Septiembre",
(select sum(total)
from invoice
where payment_date between '2017-10-01' and '2017-11-01' and customer_id=c.id group by customer_id) as "Octubre",
(select sum(total)
from invoice
where payment_date between '2017-11-01' and '2017-12-01' and customer_id=c.id group by customer_id) as "Noviembre",
(select sum(total)
from invoice
where payment_date between '2017-12-01' and '2017-12-31' and customer_id=c.id group by customer_id) as "Diciembre"
from customer c
where c.branding_id=1 and (select sum(total)
from invoice
where payment_date between '2017-01-01' and '2017-12-31' and customer_id=c.id group by customer_id) > 0
这可行,但我发现它的效率极低(如果我们在 WHERE 中包含一个子查询,则有 13 个子查询)。有什么方法可以简化此查询,还是获取数据的最佳方法?
编辑:在写完这个答案(对于 MySQL)后,我意识到问题出在 PostgreSQL 中。正确的语法在 OP 的答案中。
首先,最后一条(即 2017 年 1 月至 12 月的付款总和大于零)与
2017 年相同。其次,假设您的发票表是并且包含:
我没有包括所有月份或 JOIN 与客户表,我把这部分留给你,但如果你想列出所有客户,包括那些今年没有支付任何费用的客户,
根据@amenadiel 的回答(这对 MySQL 来说是正确的),我创建了以下查询:
出于好奇,问题中的查询需要将近两分钟才能执行,而此解决方案需要大约 300 毫秒才能返回相同的结果