I'm importing data from a Google Sheets spreadsheet, but I need to filter some rows and not load all of them. Does anyone run this library, and know if there is an argument to filter rows.
I am doing it as follows so far:
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
creds=ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('Python- cbe875b7fd9f.json', scope)
sheet=client.open('Prueba Python').sheet1
I do this because there is a column that has several options for example "NOGO", "MOC" and "AHM" option. I want to import only those rows that have the "AHM" option. In this way the load will be faster since now it takes several seconds and there is a lot of data that I am not interested in importing.
Example file:
Jorge, the documentation of this library indicates for the routine
:That is, a list of dictionaries where each key is the column header. Something like the following, based on your example:
I did not transcribe all the records, you must also see the behavior against columns without headers, for example the one that would be the column
of your spreadsheet. With these data the filter is something like this:That is, we return the rows where in the "SOURCE" column we find the text "AHM".