Hello, good, I have a problem with this horse chess code, the execution is more than good when executing it, but when putting the coordinates using the values of m and n with the signs // to be able to take it, it does not work as I want since the user It will ask me if I want it to be in the mere right, left, top, bottom corner and any point but when executing it takes a long time in some numbers when executing it as -9 and 2 in another if it gives me a point like -7 and 9 Could you help me if I can use this method or another method to put the coordinates:
# Dimensiones: para que exista un ciclo pedimos que ninguno sea
# par, ambos mayores que 5. Hay otros casos donde existe ciclo.
m = 8
n = 8
ciclo = True # buscar recorrido cerrado (ciclo)
print("Esto es a traves de division")
Valor1= int(input("Ingrese el número de fila deseada ==> "))
Valor2= int(input("Ingrese el número de colummna deseada ==> "))
# - El vértice correspondiente a (i, j) es k = 1 + i + j * m,
# i, j = divmod(k - 1, m)
# - Los vecinos de (i, j) son de la forma
# (i ± 2, j ± 1) y (i ± 1, j ± 2)
# siempre que queden en el tablero.
def kdeij(i, j):
return 1 + i + m * j
def ijdek(k):
return divmod(k - 1, m)
# ponemos la raíz en el centro para que sea rápido
#raiz = kdeij(m // Valor1, n // Valor2) este es el que estaba usando
raiz = kdeij(m //2, n//2)
# Construcción de vecinos
mn = m * n # cantidad de vértices
mn1 = mn + 1 # para range
vecinos = [[] for k in range(mn1)]
vecinos[0] = None
# No hay vecinos con un mismo j,
# Ponemos sólo los de arriba (los de abajo se dan por simetría).
vecinos = [[] for v in range(mn1)]
vecinos[0] = None
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
k = kdeij(i, j)
ii = i - 2
if ii >= 0:
jj = j + 1
if jj < n:
kk = kdeij(ii, jj)
ii = i - 1
if ii >= 0:
jj = j + 2
if jj < n:
kk = kdeij(ii, jj)
ii = i + 1
if ii < m:
jj = j + 2
if jj < n:
kk = kdeij(ii, jj)
ii = i + 2
if ii < m:
jj = j + 1
if jj < n:
kk = kdeij(ii, jj)
# Función a usar
def hamilton(m, n, vecinos, raiz=1, ciclo=True):
def grado(v):
a = [u for u in vecinos[v] if padre[u] == None]
return len(a)
def visitar(u):
nonlocal cuenta, llegamos
cuenta = cuenta + 1
if llegamos:
if len(ciclov) < mn: # En este punto todavía no llegamos
a = [v for v in vecinos[u] if padre[v] == None]
if a != []:
for v in a:
padre[v] = u
if llegamos:
padre[v] = None
elif (len(ciclov) == mn):
if not ciclo:
llegamos = True
if (u in vecinosraiz):
llegamos = True
# en otro caso len(ciclov) == mn1
mn = m * n # cantidad de vértices
mn1 = mn + 1 # para vértices entre 1 y mn
vecinosraiz = vecinos[raiz]
ciclov = [raiz] # empezamos desde la raíz
padre = [None for v in range(mn1)]
padre[raiz] = raiz
cuenta = 0
llegamos = False
print(40 * "-")
print("Cantidad de entradas a visitar:", cuenta)
if llegamos:
return ciclov
print("No hay ciclo de hamilton")
return []
# fin de función
ciclo = hamilton(m, n, vecinos, raiz, True)
print(40 * '-')
print('Ciclo resultante:')
print('Longitud:', len(ciclo))
# Representación como tablero
# cantidad de espacios para que no se superpongan los números
s = len(str(mn1)) + 1
formato = "{:" + str(s) + "}"
# buscamos la inversa del ciclo
pos = [None for v in range(mn1)]
for p in range(mn):
pos[ciclo[p]] = p + 1
print(40 * "-")
print("Recorrido del tablero (posiciones en cada movimiento representadas en un numero de
inicio al final):")
for j in range(n-1, -1, -1):
k = 1 + m * j
for i in range(m):
print(formato.format(pos[k + i]), end="")
I made this simple, not very efficient algorithm to traverse a chessboard with a knight without passing the same square twice.
The board is represented by a list of lists, that is, an N x N matrix.
Valid moves are expressed as a list of moves relative to the current square:
We have a function that receives a position and a move and returns the final position, or
if it went off the board:We implement a search with backtracing , whose result is reflected in the list
, which will give us the path of the horse.The recursive function does the following:
, assuming this cell leads to the destination.False
, everything is undone: the position is removed and the box is unchecked.True
, it is returned.To check if we have completed the tour we use the function
. If there is any zero somewhere (unvisited cell), the function fails.The rest are printing functions.
I tried it with a 5x5 board and it seems to work. You can check it.