I am making this movie model but when updating the changes it says that the classification part does not exist or is not defined and according to this if it is correctly placed I do not have any syntax error what would I have to do to be able to correct that error
Attached code:
from odoo import fields, models, api
class Presupuesto(models.Model):
_name = "presupuesto"
name = fields.Char()
clasificacion = fields.Selection(selection=[
('G', 'G'),
('PG', 'PG'),
('PG-13', 'PG-13'),
('R', 'R'),
('NC-17', 'NC-17'),
fch_esteno = fields.Date()
puntuacion = fields.Integer()
active = fields.Boolean()
when updating to see the changes in the browser it sends an error
puts that the classification id variable does not exist or is not declared but it is
Update the module again from the applications. When you are creating new fields, sometimes the database is not updated and you have to force the update.