I've been trying to add the data labels to an online excel graph for a couple of hours now using a script, I plan to use this same script in a flow to optimize the reports in the company I work for. For this I have been trying to use the record actions function however it does not seem to work when I execute it in the flow it seems not to work. I have tried using chart.getDataLabels().setPosition(ExcelScript.ChartDataLabelPosition.outsideEnd); inclusive and tried to use chart_1.getDataLabels().setShowValue(true); however none of these codes seem to work.
To give you an idea of what I'm looking for, I attach some photos:
Well that's what I'm looking to create using an excel script. For now my script is as follows:
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
// Delete the "TESTING" worksheet if it's present, then recreate it.
// Add a new worksheet
let probando = workbook.addWorksheet("TESTING");
let table1 = workbook.getTable("Table1");
// Add a new pivot table on probando
let newPivotTable = workbook.addPivotTable("PivotTable1", table1, probando.getRange("A1:C18"));
// Add pivot field to a hierarchy in newPivotTable
newPivotTable.addRowHierarchy(newPivotTable.getHierarchy("Customer Name"));
// Add pivot field to a hierarchy in newPivotTable
newPivotTable.addDataHierarchy(newPivotTable.getHierarchy("Amount due"));
let selectedSheet = workbook.getWorksheet("TESTING");
// Insert pivot chart on sheet selectedSheet
let chart_1 = selectedSheet.addChart(ExcelScript.ChartType.pie, newPivotTable.getLayout().getRange());
// Resize and move chart chart_1
chart_1.getTitle().setText('Perforacion por Obra');}
And this would be my normal table (Table1):
The name of the worksheet is InvoiceAmounts. Well I hope you can help me, I thank you in advance.
Run the following code:
However, it does not finish working in my flow, it tells me that there is a bad gateway and the expected task does not finish. I don't know if you have another solution Abraham. Anyway, thank you very much for taking the time :D
Many thanks to @Abraham Valencia for answering my question, here is the final code:
After the chart title line, add the following: