I need help creating a query or some way to do a count. Context:
I have two tables:
user: where I have my users or workers
work: where I will assign a task to a user with statuses (complete, in process, error, etc).
My problem arises when I want to pass my employees in a select to my view: I can do that easily, but at the same time I need to know the jobs that each employee has in progress, example:
<select class="form-control mb-2" name="" required>
<option selected> Seleccione el trabajador </option>
<option value="">Jose - 2 trabajos asignados en curso</option>
<option value="">Luis - 5 trabajos asignados en curso</option>
So that in my view my workers are seen that way with the number of jobs assigned but from least to greatest.
Assuming the structure of user is
and the work
$query = DB::table('user', 'u')->select('count(t.id_user) as numberofjobs', 'u.name as name')->join('job as t', ' u.id','=','t.id_user')->groupBy('name')->orderBy('numberofjobs','desc')->get();
This will return https://isstatic.aoverflow.com/71AO3.jpg
And if you want me to also bring you those who don't have jobs, just put a Left JOIN
it's very simple in case you need to add additional text you can use a foreach
with this code the following JSON votes for me