I am looking for the easiest and shortest way to be able to run Python in my browser. I am currently using Python 2.7, however I don't like using the console and would like to be able to program in an IDE (Sublime Text).
In other words, I want to run a Python script as if it were PHP.
<title>Hello World!</title>
echo "Hello World!";
How can I do what I need?
In Python there are no server-side solutions that use Python in that way. The most common frameworks like Django Framework , Flask , Pyramid , use another type of implementation.
I will mention two exceptions:
If what you want to do is run code online http://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
The IDE (Sublime Text) is very good to start programming and in fact I use it and recommend it, but it is offline and you need to run the program every time you want to verify code
IPython is very good I quote: IPython also includes a GNU/Linux version to be executed in X and using the WX library. When using GUI libraries, IPython does not allow blocking on interaction with Tkinter, GTK+, Qt, or WX; it only allows interaction with Tkinter. Ipython can interactively manage the parallel use of multiple clusters. IPython can be used to replace the system shell thanks to how flexible and modifiable it is through its configuration file, especially on windows. The IPython shell is reminiscent of a unix shell, and even allows bash commands to be used during use to, for example, change the working directory
As time the best alternative from what I understand is Ipython.
If what you want is an IDE in the cloud, I recommend:
And if you want an editor to have snippets: