Reviewing dependencies of a project I have found a very confusing code, but the part that caught my attention is the following:
if ($("#weather-widget")[0] && $.simpleWeather({
location: "Austin, TX",
woeid: "",
unit: "f",
success: function(weather) {
html = '<div class="weather-status">' + weather.temp + "°" + weather.units.temp + "</div>",
html += '<ul class="weather-info"><li>' + + ", " + weather.region + "</li>",
html += '<li class="currently">' + weather.currently + "</li></ul>",
html += '<div class="weather-icon wi-' + weather.code + '"></div>',
html += '<div class="dw-footer"><div class="weather-list tomorrow">',
html += '<span class="weather-list-icon wi-' + weather.forecast[2].code + '"></span><span>' + weather.forecast[1].high + "/" + weather.forecast[1].low + "</span><span>" + weather.forecast[1].text + "</span>",
html += "</div>", html += '<div class="weather-list after-tomorrow">',
html += '<span class="weather-list-icon wi-' + weather.forecast[2].code + '"></span><span>' + weather.forecast[2].high + "/" + weather.forecast[2].low + "</span><span>" + weather.forecast[2].text + "</span>",
html += "</div></div>", $("#weather-widget").html(html)
error: function(error) {
$("#weather-widget").html("<p>" + error + "</p>")
}), $(".auto-size")[0] && autosize($(".auto-size")), $(".fg-line")[0] && ($("body").on("focus", ".fg-line .form-control", function() {
}), $("body").on("blur", ".form-control", function() {
var p = $(this).closest(".form-group, .input-group"),
i = p.find(".form-control").val();
p.hasClass("fg-float") ? 0 == i.length && $(this).closest(".fg-line").removeClass("fg-toggled") : $(this).closest(".fg-line").removeClass("fg-toggled")
})), $(".fg-float")[0] && $(".fg-float .form-control").each(function() {
var i = $(this).val();
0 == !i.length && $(this).closest(".fg-line").addClass("fg-toggled")
}), $("audio, video")[0] && $("video,audio").mediaelementplayer(), $(".chosen")[0] && $(".chosen").chosen({
width: "100%",
allow_single_deselect: !0
}), $("#input-slider")[0]) {
var slider = document.getElementById("input-slider");
noUiSlider.create(slider, {
start: [20],
connect: "lower",
range: {
min: 0,
max: 100
In addition to being very messy, the code has commas in the if condition. I've never seen that you can use commas and I don't really know what it does.
Also in the part that function(weather) {
separates a concatenation by commas:
html = '<div class="weather-status">' + weather.temp + "°" + weather.units.temp + "</div>",
html += '<ul class="weather-info"><li>' + + ", " + weather.region + "</li>",
I would like to know what produces the comma in the If and if it is part of the javascript standard
According to the specification ( Comma Operator ), parameters thus separated are evaluated from left to right and the resolution of the last operand is returned.
The only use of using that syntax is to assign "on the fly", which happens as a side effect. For example, if you wanted to assign a value to a variable, and depending on a parameter raise an alert or return its value:
The variable will take the value 1 regardless of whether the if is true or false.
If inside the operands there are function invocations, class instantiation, sticky octopuses, or He-Man swords, all of that is evaluated regardless, for the IF, of anything other than the evaluation of the last operand. Using the example above:
The value of a would be assigned, a function would be called,
and a class would be instantiatedMiClase
just as a side effect, but what would still be evaluated would be whetheralertar
or not it is identical tofalse
.Each assignment is an expression and the expressions can be concatenated into a larger expression but it will take the last expression as a statement: