I am making a map with react, where there is a marker per province. When I hover on the marker, I want a small div to appear with the name of the province. I implemented it with one and it worked. Now when I want to render all the markers, if I hover over one, I see all 23 divs corresponding to all the markers, and I only want to see the one that corresponds. Should I create 23 states for each cartel?
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { GoogleMap, useJsApiLoader } from '@react-google-maps/api';
import { Marker, InfoWindow } from '@react-google-maps/api';
const containerStyle = {
width: '90%',
height: '100%'
const center = {
lat: -34.6037,
lng: -58.3816
function MyComponent() {
const { isLoaded } = useJsApiLoader({
id: 'google-map-script',
googleMapsApiKey: "xxxxxxxx"
const [info, setInfo] = useState(false)
const ubicaciones = [
{ lat: -34.920345, lng: -57.969559, name: "La Plata" },
{ lat: -26.8753965086829, lng: -54.6516966230371, name: "Misiones" },
{ lat: -33.7577257449137, lng: -66.0281298195836, name: "San Luis" },
{ lat: -30.8653679979618, lng: -68.8894908486844, name: "San Juan" },
{ lat: -32.0588735436448, lng: -59.2014475514635, name: "Entre Ríos" },
{ lat: -48.8154851827063, lng: -69.9557621671973, name: "Santa Cruz" },
{ lat: -40.4057957178801, lng: -67.229329893694, name: "Río Negro" },
{ lat: -43.7886233529878, lng: -68.5267593943345, name: "Chubut" },
{ lat: -32.142932663607, lng: -63.8017532741662, name: "Córdoba" },
{ lat: -34.6298873058957, lng: -68.5831228183798, name: "Mendoza" },
{ lat: -29.685776298315, lng: -67.1817359694432, name: "La Rioja" },
{ lat: -27.3358332810217, lng: -66.9476824299928, name: "Catamarca" },
{ lat: -37.1315537735949, lng: -65.4466546606951, name: "La Pampa" },
{ lat: -27.7824116550944, lng: -63.2523866568588, name: "Santiago Del Estero" },
{ lat: -28.7743047046407, lng: -57.8012191977913, name: "Corrientes" },
{ lat: -30.7069271588117, lng: -60.9498369430241, name: "Santa Fe" },
{ lat: -26.9478001830786, lng: -65.3647579441481, name: "Tucumán" },
{ lat: -38.6417575824599, lng: -70.1185705180601, name: "Neuquén" },
{ lat: -24.2991344492002, lng: -64.8144629600627, name: "Salta" },
{ lat: -26.3864309061226, lng: -60.7658307438603, name: "Chaco" },
{ lat: -24.894972594871, lng: -59.9324405800872, name: "Formosa" },
{ lat: -23.3200784211351, lng: -65.7642522180337, name: "Jujuy" },
{ lat: -34.6144934119689, lng: -58.4458563545429, name: "CABA" },
{ lat: -82.52151781221, lng: -50.7427486049785, name: "Tierra Del Fuego" }]
const handleMouseOver = e => {
const handleMouseExit = e => {
const icon = {
"M8 12l-4.7023 2.4721.898-5.236L.3916 5.5279l5.2574-.764L8 0l2.3511 4.764 5.2574.7639-3.8043 3.7082.898 5.236z",
fillColor: "green",
fillOpacity: 0.9,
scale: 1.3,
strokeColor: "black",
strokeWeight: 1,
const divStyle = {
background: `white`,
border: `1px solid #ccc`,
padding: 15,
outline: 'none'
return isLoaded ? (
{ /* Child components, such as markers, info windows, etc. */
{ubicaciones.map((e) =>
> {info && (
<div style={divStyle}>
<span>Estamos en {e.name}</span>
) : <></>
export default React.memo(MyComponent)
You should not create 23 states, there are two ways to do this. The first, simplest one, reusing practically all the code, is to save the name of the location to be displayed in the state and only show the info that has that name:
The other way is to have a single InfoWindow component and change its props to put it in one position on the map or another, this is achieved by having the info state save the coordinates that will be the InfoWindow props.