I need to be able to print 5 data that are linked to the same author, but evaluate everything in a general way, that is, I do not want to print how many students are enrolled in a course but the total of all those students who have enrolled in one or several courses of the same author and, like this with all the other data, for test subject I am testing with few records, but these are the data that I want to obtain:
Reseñas 2
Cursos 1
Proyectos 1
Estudiantes 1
Calificación del instructor 4.0
I have saved the data from the tables, which I am using: https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/s2uBnyTLgTXqADtVhkgEUv/0
These are the various queries that I am using and, if it is working correctly:
$id_author = 1;
$status_inscribed = "Completed";
$study_program_intensive_instructor = "intensive";
$study_program_proyect_instructor = "proyect";
#Valoración general del instructor/autor
$stmtVI = $con->prepare("SELECT AVG(ra.rating) AS avg_rating,
COUNT(ra.rating) valuations
FROM tbl_ratings ra
LEFT JOIN tbl_courses c ON ra.id_course = c.id_course
LEFT JOIN tbl_author a ON c.id_author = a.id_author
WHERE a.id_author=?
GROUP BY a.id_author");
$stmtVI->bind_param("i", $id_author);
$stmtVI->bind_result($avg_rating_instructor, $instructor_valuations);
$avg_instructor_print = number_format($avg_rating_instructor,1);
#Total de alumnos de manera general que tiene el instructor/autor
$stmtEI = $con->prepare("SELECT COUNT(i.id_course)
FROM tbl_inscribed i
LEFT JOIN tbl_courses c ON i.id_course = c.id_course
LEFT JOIN tbl_author a ON c.id_author = a.id_author
WHERE a.id_author=? AND i.status=?
GROUP BY a.id_author");
$stmtEI->bind_param("is", $id_author, $status_inscribed);
$enrolled_instructor = 0;
#Total de cursos intensivos que tiene instructor/autor
$stmtCII = $con->prepare("SELECT COUNT(c.id_course)
FROM tbl_courses c
LEFT JOIN tbl_author a ON c.id_author = a.id_author
WHERE c.id_author=? AND c.study_program=?
GROUP BY a.id_author");
$stmtCII->bind_param("is", $id_author,$study_program_intensive_instructor);
$course_intensive_instructor = 0;
#Total de cursos proyectos que tiene el instructor/autor
$stmtCIP = $con->prepare("SELECT COUNT(c.id_course)
FROM tbl_courses c
LEFT JOIN tbl_author a ON c.id_author = a.id_author
WHERE c.id_author=? AND c.study_program=?
GROUP BY a.id_author");
$stmtCIP->bind_param("is", $id_author,$study_program_proyect_instructor);
$course_proyect_instructor = 0;
As can be seen in almost the majority the same tables are being repeated and, above all, it is based on bringing information from the same author.$id_author = 1;
I have tried to join the tables, to unify everything as follows:
$id_author = 1;
$status_inscribed = "Completed";
$stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT AVG(ra.rating) AS avg_rating,
COUNT(ra.rating) valuations,
COUNT(i.id_course) enrolled
FROM tbl_courses c
LEFT JOIN tbl_ratings ra ON ra.id_course = c.id_course
LEFT JOIN tbl_inscribed i ON i.id_course = c.id_course
WHERE c.id_author=? AND i.status=?
GROUP BY c.id_course, i.id_course");
$stmt->bind_param("is", $id_author, $status_inscribed);
$stmt->bind_result($avg_rating_instructor, $total_instructor_review, $enrolled_instructor);
But it prints the information wrong for example in the table tbl_inscribed
there are two records one that is in status Completed
and the other in status Pending
but the variable $enrolled_instructor
prints me 3, when it should print 1
by the condition passed in theWHERE
I have changed the order of the tables, but https://ideone.com/LGExif I have not added different ways GROUP BY a.id_author, i.status, i_id_inscribed, i.id_course
without success, I only got there because it prints the data wrong and does not continue with the rest of joining the tables.
Can you explain me how to do all this correctly? Or with the tables that can be joined and the others, if it were the case, the query would be left individually.
All queries together would look like this:
But the results, using the data from the last fiddle you shared, would be these:
They do not look like the results you expect (there are two valuations and two courses) and at the beginning of the question you say that there must be one of each. In that sense, check what data you put in the fiddle.
Something that is not clear is the double criterion of
. Since you don't explain the context, it's not known if there should be a double JOIN against those criteria or if there should be a conditionOR
. Here I have assumed that it must be a conditionOR
.I think you'll be able to hit the road with this. If you analyze the query, I have simply been adding the columns
taking them from each instruction that you had separately. In the same way, I have been adding the JOIN tables that were new, the same as theWHERE
. As for theGROUP BY
, since it will be filtered by author, I think it is the only grouping that prevails, unless you want differentiated results (several rows) for the same author.