Hello, I am creating a drawable with canvas
Kotlin but I would like to reduce the code and I have many paints:
val lado=440 // preferiblemente un multiplo de 8
val ladmit=lado/2f
val textmed=(ladmit*resources.displayMetrics.density/4)+6
val bitmap: Bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(lado, lado, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
val canva = Canvas(bitmap)
canva.drawColor(Color.argb(0, 0, 0, 0));
val pback :Paint= Paint().apply {
isAntiAlias = true
style = Paint.Style.FILL
color = Color.WHITE
setShadowLayer(10f, -5f, -5f, Color.GRAY)
val pcol :Paint= Paint().apply {
isAntiAlias = true
style = Paint.Style.FILL
color= "FFCC80".toInt(16) - 0xffffff
val pbord = Paint().apply {
isAntiAlias = true
style = Paint.Style.STROKE
color = Color.BLACK
val p = Paint().apply{
RectF(10f, 10f, lado-10f, lado-10f).let {
canva.drawRoundRect(it, 25f, 25f, pback)
canva.drawRoundRect(RectF(10f, 10f, lado-10f, ladmit), 25f, 25f, pcol)
canva.drawRoundRect(it, 25f, 25f, pbord)
RectF(10f, ladmit/2+10f, lado/2f, lado/2f).let {
pcol.color= Color.WHITE
canva.drawRoundRect(it, 0f, 0f, pcol)
canva.drawRoundRect(it, 0f, 0f, pbord)
RectF(ladmit, ladmit/2+10f, lado-10f, ladmit).let {
pcol.color= "80CBC4".toInt(16) - 0xffffff
canva.drawRoundRect(it, 0f, 0f, pcol)
canva.drawRoundRect(it, 0f, 0f, pbord)
p.typeface = Typeface.create(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.BOLD)
canva.drawText((Math.random() * 50).toInt().toString(), ladmit, lado*0.75f+p.textSize/(2*resources.displayMetrics.density), p)
p.textSize= (textmed*0.6).toFloat()
canva.drawText("001", ladmit/2, (ladmit-10f)*0.75f+p.textSize/2, p)
canva.drawText("IZQ", ladmit, (ladmit-10f)/4+p.textSize/2, p)
canva.drawText("01", lado*0.75f, (ladmit-10f)*0.75f+p.textSize/2, p)
val draw:Drawable =bitmap.toDrawable(resources)
this is the result
I would also like 44 to be the only text with bold, try also{}
but it changes the attribute of the instance
canva.drawText(..., p.also {
it.typeface = Typeface.create(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.BOLD)
Could someone tell me how I can clone this instance of paint
The class
has a constructor that accepts an objectPaint
as a parameter and is designed precisely for cloning. But if you also want to save theapply
, you can create an extension functionUsage would be like this
if you want to modify a default value so that the next instances have it, you simply change that property
You could also create a builder for when you want to create without cloning
and then you use it like this
after two hours I managed to do what I wanted and here it is:
this anonymous class is capable of assigning default values to a class and if you need a current image of the object you just call clone and here you can modify what you want without altering the other examples:
Now what if you want to modify a default value so that from now on all instances have it, easy, you simply define that value that can change in the anonymous class as I did with