How could you add a previous and next button to this listener? It would be your thing if it is in video 1 that it does not show the previous button and if it is in the last video the same for the next button.
I am using the YouTube Player API , the code is from this SOes Answer , I have customized it a bit.
I know that you can create one playlist
in the YouTube Iframe API , but in my case I want to create it through individual buttons and then the buttons prev/next
, since the information, topics, videos to study, etc. I get them via PHP from my Database.
My code : JSFiddle
Try to add a value,i
to get the index of the buttons, I saw in the console that I get a NodeList that shows me all the buttons and a length: 4
editButtons.forEach(function(item, idx, value, i) {
Find out how you could iterate through that list to get the current index to create the previous or next buttons. Try this:
function(currentValue, currentIndex, listObj) {
console.log(currentValue, currentIndex);
I get all the buttons back in the console and with more information (accesskey: "",...,className: "btn-Play".., etc.)
But I still don't understand how I could do these two functions, something like a typical PHP pagination that has those buttons, I have to say that I have very basic knowledge of JavaScript.
I add new tests after Sal's comment, but it still doesn't work as it should. I managed to get the prev/next buttons to work as soon as the page loads, but now the error comes, if I click on the normal button, that is, for example, it loads video 2, it loads said video through the other listener, now the problem, if now I use the prev/next it no longer has the indices of (var vdo = ['LSdmIKtTkpQ', '4Ur0VvNcgPk', '4WLUQ6BTNwk'];)
, since when I use the button it is no longer 0, how could I solve it so that the buttons get the correct index prev/next
// Youtube player
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
// Array con lista de videos disponibles. Este proces lo tendria que hacer con PHP para obtener estos datos
var vdo = ['n7l1oAYRThQ', 'G3P1IJaY6AA', '353B-kOxWz4'];
// current index (indice actual)
var i = 0;
// Creamos variable - boton .btn-play
var editButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.btn-Play');
// Buscamos todos los botones existentes para obtener el boton onclick
editButtons.forEach(function(item, idx) {
// Añadimos evento onclick a nuestro botones
item.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Obtengo el numero indice actual
let index = vdo.findIndex(el=> el;
var i = index; // Modifico el indice actual
// Mostramos data-id del boton on click
//Obtenemos titulo
var dataTitle = item.dataset.title;
//Cambiar HTML layout de un DIV #titulo
document.getElementById('title_vdo').innerHTML = dataTitle;
// Pasamos el id del video a reproducir.
// Dirigimos con scroll hacia nuestro reproductor (#player)
$("html, body").animate({
scrollTop: $('#player').offset().top
}, 2000);
// Selecionamos botones prev/next
var prevBtn = document.querySelector('.btn-Prev');
var nextBtn = document.querySelector('.btn-Next');
// Evento onclick PREV
prevBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Mostramos data-id del boton on click
if (i <= 0) i = vdo.length;
return loadVdo();
// Evento onclick NEXT
nextBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Mostramos data-id del boton on click
if (i >= vdo.length-1) i = -1;
return loadVdo();
// Pasamos video a la API Youtube Player
function loadVdo() {
// Pasamos el id del video a reproducir.
return player.loadVideoById(vdo[i]);
I add these buttons:
<button class="btn-Prev font20"><i class='far fa-caret-square-left'> </i></button>
<button class="btn-Next font20"><i class='far fa-caret-square-right'> </i></button>
With these buttons the videos are played in the first onclick event.
<button class="btn-Play" data-id="n7l1oAYRThQ" data-title="Video 1">Video 1</button>
<button class="btn-Play" data-id="G3P1IJaY6AA" data-title="Video 2">Video 2</button>
<button class="btn-Play" data-id="353B-kOxWz4" data-title="Video 3">Video 3</button>
EDIT code : JSFiddle
After fighting, I managed to make the prev/next buttons work, even change the title, I would only need the previous button to disappear if it is in video 1 and if it is in the last video, the same for the next one, I could do it with PHP, although I would like with JS.
Updated code : JSFiddle
I would appreciate the help!
You almost had it. The problem was the use of the variable
that you did not set and update correctly.I have updated the code with what is necessary to make it work for your case.
I have added these 2 methods that are responsible for checking the visibility of the prev/next buttons.