I'm trying to get the last windows update date from PowerShell, and I want to save it in a windows variable as text, so I can use it in future statements.
I have tried this method, which can be found in various forums and tutorials. However, it saves it as type Object, and X number of characters cannot be subtracted from it.
(New-Object -com "Microsoft.Update.AutoUpdate").Results|fl
I want to be able to extract certain characters from the text printed after that command, or directly get just the date so I can use it in a text declaration.
Here I explain how you can do it step by step
1 - Access the value you are looking for:
In this way you have created a variable that returns the date of the last installation.
But the content of the variable
is still of type DateTime and not of type String.2 - To convert it to string you must do the following:
If we check the variable and we will see that it was converted correctly.
Note that
allows you to specify the format.In conclusion what you are looking for can be done with this line
Returns the string: