With the service bookService.getBooksWithAuthorName()
I load in my observable
bookList$ all the books that I have in my db. Each book has a url_image property and I need to clean it, for this I use a map
(I don't know if it's correct) in the bookList$ where I try to pass this url_image to the linkImg() function . But in the function getBooksWithAuthorName() it informs me the following error:Angular
Type 'Observable<string[]>' is not assignable to type 'Observable<Book[]>'. Type 'string[]' is not assignable to type 'Book[]'. Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'Book'.ts(2322)
bookList$: Observable<Book[]>;
ngOnInit(): void {
getBooksWithAuthorName() {
this.bookList$ = this.bookService.getBooksWithAuthorName()
map((books: Book[]) => books.map(book => this.linkImg(book.url_image))
linkImg(urlImage) {
// quito la palabra public
let str = urlImage.replace(/public/g, '');
// quito la barra '\'
str = str.replace('\\', '');
// invierto la barra en sentido a '/'
str = str.replace('\\', '/');
// console.log(str);
const URL = 'http://localhost:4000/';
const link = URL + str;
// console.log(link);
return link;
here the servicebook.service.ts
getBooksWithAuthorName() {
return this.http.get<Book[]>(this.URL_API + 'AuthorName');
It is because the following is returning a string that is the
:You need to return the object, the correct thing would be: