It turns out that when sending the Request with the Send Invoice method, in the response it gives me an error code 104. Supposedly I am testing it with SoapUI and when making the request I replace the ? by my values, but when executing it gives me the error 104, the SOAP request is not well constructed: the SOAP Header is not found
What do I need to make it work well Thanks
Missing to configure WS-Security. The Manual for the Use of Services - invoicesspp says:
The same manual shows an example request that includes an extensive content of the label
and that in the images of the question it is observed that it is empty. It also mentions how to get a PEM file (which should include a public key and a private key) to sign the requests:From the example request in the manual, the following configuration for the Outgoing WS-Security Configuration of SoapUI can be deduced:
Binary Security Token
Other useful links:
Your answer has also helped me, even though there are several little things in that example header that I'm not sure how I have to fill in.
The first thing that is filled is the BinarySecurityToken that is filled with the digital certificate (I have that clear)
Then there is another field that could have to be filled in, which is the
SignedInfo that has the DigestValue field inside with a value already
filled in, and I don't know if it would be necessary to modify it.
and finally the SignatureValue field that I know I have to
fill in, but I don't know what.
I understand that through some algorithm with which I get these values, but I don't finish finding out well.
Thanks and greetings!