I would need to be able to add a time type field with gvNIX... I have seen that the datetime tagx exists, but it does not allow me to select the hours....
I am using version 1.4.1 of gvNIX
I would need to be able to add a time type field with gvNIX... I have seen that the datetime tagx exists, but it does not allow me to select the hours....
I am using version 1.4.1 of gvNIX
This functionality has been included in gvNIX 1.5.1 RC3 . To add a time type field you must modify the value of the DateTimeFormat annotation of the Date field from its entity class and add the time pattern to be used. For example:
It will be necessary to reopen the gvNIX console for these changes to be applied to the project. In this way, the time type input will be displayed to select an hour, which you can customize from the jspx view.