I'm already desperate thinking about why I can't get any results from the sql subqueries in LARAVEL. this is my code
$Sql= "SELECT cuenta_judicial.IDNRO,demandas2.CI,
(SELECT TITULAR from demandado
where demandado.CI=demandas2.CI
OR (demandado.CI is null
AND demandado.IDNRO=demandas2.CI) ) AS TITULAR,
(SELECT sum( mov_cta_judicial.IMPORTE)
from mov_cta_judicial
where mov_cta_judicial.CTA_JUDICIAL= cuenta_judicial.IDNRO and mov_cta_judicial.TIPO_MOVI='E'
AND mov_cta_judicial.TIPO_EXT='C') as CAPITAL,
(SELECT sum( mov_cta_judicial.IMPORTE) from mov_cta_judicial where mov_cta_judicial.CTA_JUDICIAL= cuenta_judicial.IDNRO and mov_cta_judicial.TIPO_MOVI='E' and mov_cta_judicial.TIPO_EXT='L') as LIQUIDACION ,
(SELECT sum( mov_cta_judicial.IMPORTE) from mov_cta_judicial where mov_cta_judicial.CTA_JUDICIAL= cuenta_judicial.IDNRO and mov_cta_judicial.TIPO_MOVI='D') AS DEPOSITO
from cuenta_judicial,demandas2
WHERE demandas2.CTA_BANCO=cuenta_judicial.CTA_JUDICI";
$lista= DB::select($Sql);
I execute that same query in PHPmyAdmin and it returns all the records. But when wanting to do it in LARAVEL NOTHING. Does anyone know why? what should I do?
NO problems when I run it like this:
But in laravel nothing
First of all, I really appreciate the comments from those who reacted to my post. After much trying, I decided to modify the sql statement slightly like this, and it worked for me:
The only difference from the initial statement is the limit 1, which I have added to each subquery. For some reason Laravel (or some other factor I'm not aware of) requires to explicitly limit the result of a subquery (even though in my case, I knew that each subquery returned only one record and not several).
You are missing a
when in a controller to make a query, you have to return the query. Example:I just highlighted that you already know that you have to import the DB in the controller.