What I want to do is display a gradient background on the canvas and then display some text.
The code is the following:
<canvas id="canv" height="720" width="1280">
Su navegador no es compatible con CANVAS, use otro navegador
function Start() {
// Genera un área de trabajo
var elemento = document.getElementById("canv");
canv = elemento.getContext("2d"); // Especifica entorno
// Degradado
gradiente = canv.createLinearGradient(0,0,1280,720);
canv.fillStyle = gradiente; // Muestra gradiente
// Texto
// canv.beginPath();
canv.font = "bold 24px verdana";
canv.textAlign = "start"; // Espeficia alineación
The problem is that when executing it is possible to see that the text appears for a few miniseconds and then the gradient background appears and covers the text
Basically the background covers the text
If I delete the code to show gradient background, as expected, only the TEXT appears
I know I'm doing something wrong, I've been looking but I can't solve it.
Right now you are filling the text with the same gradients as before. This is why you don't see it. Add
canv.fillStyle = "black";
(or the color you want) just beforecanv.fillText("Texto",200,200);