Generating a Nuget + Symbols package I get the error: Error NU5012: Unable to find 'Autofac.4.9.4.nupkg'. Make sure the project has been built.
The command to generate the package is as follows:
nuget pack "C:\ruta\al\fichero\fichero.csproj" -Verbosity detailed -Symbols -SymbolPackageFormat snupkg -Version 0.0.18
I have other projects, generated with the same command and I don't get the error. The project on which the command is executed is a .NetFramework project , with its generated .nuspec file
The configuration .nuspec is the basic one, with no dependencies.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package >
<description>La descripcion</description>
<copyright>Copyright 2020</copyright>
This error is due to a path that is too long in the .csproj