hello I am trying to publish my project in a hosting with tomcat, my problem is in the manipulation of files, since locally with absolute paths it works perfectly, but not in the hosting for obvious reasons, I hoped I would find an easy solution to organize it by paths and it hasn't been like that, that's why I come to you.
String ruta = "ArchivosCh";
//String ruta ="C:\\Users\\GEORGE\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\ChMaquina\\web\\ArchivosCh"; funciona perfecto de forma local
File dir = new File(ruta);
String[] nombreArchivos = dir.list();//retorna y guarda la lista de los ficheros en el directorio
int i = 0;
for (String re : nombreArchivos) {//muestra los nombres de los archivos
This is my code to upload the file, as a comment is the line that works perfectly locally.
I use the server https://app.jelastic.saveincloud.net/
I leave the complete code of the file below:
Document : index1
Created on : 28/05/2019, 12:57:33 AM
Author : GEORGE
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String ruta = "ArchivosCh";
//String ruta = "C:\\Users\\GEORGE\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\ChMaquina\\web\\ArchivosCh"; funciona perfecto de forma local
File dir = new File(ruta);
String[] nombreArchivos = dir.list();//retorna y guarda la lista de los ficheros en el directorio
int i = 0;
for (String re : nombreArchivos) {//muestra los nombres de los archivos
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<label class="control-label" for="seleccione">Seleccione: <span class="text-muted">Solo archivos de extensión</span> <span class="badge">.ch</span></label>
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what you have to do is enter a directory and look for all the files that are there to list them in HTML.
the problem is the handling of the routes for the hosting. thank you very much for your help
Image of the project to better illustrate the problem
After so much searching, investigating and trying everything they told me, I have found a solution. I present them below.
It turns out that I had to create the file object by getting the resource like this:
finally this returned me a path without the
at the end, and the name of the file and its extension could not be concatenated, so once the path as a resource was in the objectdir
I set out to use its methods to obtain the path and concatenate the symbol and thus complete the route perfectly.dir.getPath()+"/"
.Thank you all so much for your help. a greeting.