I am trying to do the action of deleting a record from a table, created with javaScript
, from the data of a array
. The table is created without problems and the elimination of the data array
works correctly, the problem is when wanting to visualize the result.
When wanting to show the updated table, it repeats the array
but without the deleted data, the data again, showing the previous data together with the data of the same array but without the deleted data
let array = [{"id":1,"nombre":"Nombre1","ap1":"Apellido1", "ap2":"Apellido1"}, {"id":2,"nombre":"Nombre2","ap1":"Apellido2", "ap2":"Apellido22"}, {"id":3,"nombre":"Nombre3","ap1":"Apellido3", "ap2":"Apellido23"}];
function createTable(arrayNombres) {
let tbodyAlumno = document.getElementById("tbodyAlumnos");
for (let index = 0; index < arrayNombres.length; index++) {
var fila = document.createElement("tr");
var celda = document.createElement('td');
celda.textContent = arrayNombres[index].nombre;
var celda = document.createElement('td');
celda.textContent = arrayNombres[index].ap1;
var celda = document.createElement('td');
celda.textContent = arrayNombres[index].ap2;
var celda1 = document.createElement('td');
var buttonDelete = document.createElement("button");
buttonDelete.textContent = "Eliminar";
buttonDelete.className = "btn waves-effect cyan buttonMargin";
buttonDelete.onclick = ()=>eliminar(arrayNombres[index].id);
var buttonUpdate = document.createElement("button");
buttonUpdate.textContent = "Actualizar";
buttonUpdate.className = "buttonMargin btn waves-effect cyan ";
function eliminar(id) {
console.log("se presiono eliminar-->"+id);
array.splice(array.findIndex(i => i.id==id),1);
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<td>Primer apellido</td>
<td>Segundo apellido</td>
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Not only is it not updating the result of the array, but it is also duplicating the table.
You need to empty the table before recreating it, you can do it as follows:
NOTE: You can also empty with
.innerHTML = '';
but as you can see in the following thread in English , it does not delete the nodes in a "real" way, so it can end up giving performance problems