I am trying to push to a repo but when executing the push to the repository it appears
! [rejected] development -> development (non-fast-forward)
error: falló el push de algunas referencias a 'https:...'
ayuda: Actualizaciones fueron rechazadas porque una punta de rama en el push está
ayuda: detrás de su contraparte remota. Verifique esta rama e integre los cambios remotos
ayuda: (ejem. 'git pull ...') antes de volver a hacer push.
ayuda: Vea las 'Notes about fast-forwards' en 'git push --help' para más detalles.
This error was probably due to a rebase of the development branch, so the commit you were working on no longer exists in the git tree on the server. In this case you can do:
Warning: this will probably overwrite all your current files with the files as they are at the head of the branch in the remote repo!
I leave you the link that explains how to work with branches and rebase.
The problem was solved by deleting the local repository on my computer and cloning it again, since neither reset --hard nor other commands could fix the problem to do the push.