I am making the front of an application in React and when adding images the save button MOvieForm
stopped working even though I made the image field optional. I also have an array of images where the method saveMovie(movie)
to save the movies is and I use it but it is not working for me I realize why when I press the save button the page should redirect me to /movies and save the new movie but it is not doing so .
import React from "react";
import Joi from "joi-browser";
import Form from "./common/form";
import { getMovie, saveMovie } from "../services/fakeMovieService";
import { getGenres } from "../services/fakeGenreService";
class MovieForm extends Form {
state = {
data: {
title: "",
genreId: "",
numberInStock: "",
dailyRentalRate: "",
img: ""
genres: [],
errors: {}
schema = {
_id: Joi.string(),
title: Joi.string()
genreId: Joi.string()
numberInStock: Joi.number()
.label("Number in Stock"),
dailyRentalRate: Joi.number()
.label("Daily Rental Rate"),
img: Joi.string().allow('').optional()
componentDidMount() {
const genres = getGenres();
this.setState({ genres });
const movieId = this.props.match.params.id;
if (movieId === "new") return;
const movie = getMovie(movieId);
if (!movie) return this.props.history.replace("/not-found");
this.setState({ data: this.mapToViewModel(movie) });
mapToViewModel(movie) {
return {
_id: movie._id,
title: movie.title,
genreId: movie.genre._id,
numberInStock: movie.numberInStock,
dailyRentalRate: movie.dailyRentalRate,
img: movie.img
doSubmit = () => {
render() {
return (
<div className = "container">
<div className = "height"></div>
<div className = "card card-login card-hidden">
<div className = "card-header card-header-primary text-center">
<h4>Movie Form</h4>
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
<div className = "card-body text-center p-4">
{this.renderInput("title", "Title")}
{this.renderSelect("genreId", "Genre", this.state.genres)}
{this.renderInput("numberInStock", "Number in Stock", "number")}
{this.renderInput("dailyRentalRate", "Rate")}
export default MovieForm;
This is my arrangement of movies, here you can take a look at the method saveMovie(movie)
because surely something is missing there, the arrangement is very long, better I show you only the save method.
export function saveMovie(movie) {
let movieInDb = movies.find(m => m._id === movie._id) || {};
movieInDb.title = movie.title;
movieInDb.genre = genresAPI.genres.find(g => g._id === movie.genreId);
movieInDb.numberInStock = movie.numberInStock;
movieInDb.dailyRentalRate = movie.dailyRentalRate;
movieInDb.img = movie.img;
if (!movieInDb._id) {
movieInDb._id = Date.now().toString();
return movieInDb;
It already seemed to me that there was something strange with the button and not with the method because it did not show any errors, it turns out that I had the type of the button set to
but it should besubmit
, this is clear in form.jsx that I do not show here but I have in my project , sorry it was a stupid mistake since the componentMovieForm
renders a form.