I am trying to create a query to delete some data from a table called branch, but at the time of deleting it, I must also delete the relationships that exist exactly with that data.
i am doing something like this.
UPDATE empleado SET numSucursal = 0 WHERE numSucursal = 2;
DELETE FROM sucursal WHERE numSucursal = 2;
It works but I think it's wrong to do it this way.
the tables are these
numSucursal int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
nombre VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
direccion VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL
and this
numEmpleado int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
nombre VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
sueldo bigint NOT NULL,
fContratacion DATE NOT NULL,
numSucursal int,
jefe int NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (jefe) REFERENCES empleado(numEmpleado),
CONSTRAINT fksucursal
FOREIGN KEY (numSucursal) REFERENCES sucursal(numSucursal)
The error arises when I try to delete the row, it tells me ERROR 1451: 1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
I haven't been able to find the solution.
I need your help, thank you very much.
This error gives you because the employees table with the foreign key of the branch prevents you from deleting a branch that has relationships with other tables, you need to delete the reference of the employees table and recreate it with an on delete cascade so that it allows you to delete but BEWARE you will lose all the records of the employee table associated with the branch. Here I leave you a small code but only execute it in case you want to delete the employees too, otherwise the way you do it is correct so as not to lose those records
It should be noted that this restriction is for security to precisely avoid deleting unwanted data, it is always recommended to have this action disabled
You can avoid checking foreign key constraints
Now you perform the delete and you will see how it does not give you an error
Then you activate the review of the restrictions again