I need to convert the minutes to hours and minutes. My question is how can I get the hours and minutes in the report instead of getting them in minutes. Here I leave an image, of how the minutes come out at the moment:
If you could help me I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
This is the expression that I put in the report to show the total minutes
In the reportViewer, on the cell that shows the minutes, right click, select "Expression" -> Common Functions -> Date & Time -> hour. For your code it should look like this. =Hour(Sum(CInt(Fields!sum_minutes.Value))) or =Hour(Sum(Fields!sum_minutes.Value)) I have it working in a project.
In the end, in the expression of the Report Viewer I put this expression:
=Truncate((Sum(CInt(Fields!sum_minutes.Value)))/60)&""& "h :" &" "&((Sum(CInt(Fields!sum_minutes.Value))) Mod 60) &" "&"min"