I have to make a project under a plugin that requires Eclipse 3.7.2 , but it was no longer supported when Java 8 came out.
I currently have Linux Mint 19 and the latest version of OpenJDK. Is there any way to make it work?
With a bottle of JDK version 7 I think, it works, right?
For a few years, Oracle stopped giving support and public updates to Oracle Java 7 and now it can only be done by entering a username and password on the Oracle website, so many PPAs that offered Java 7 can no longer download and install automatically OracleJava.
To install Oracle Java 7 on a Debian-based Linux distribution like Linux Mint you need to navigate to the following page to download the JDK:
Accept the license agreement and click the link
to be sent to the Oracle Account Sign In page where you will need to sign up for free (or sign in with an account you have) and download the file.We start assuming that you have OpenJDK JDK 8 installed:
Once the file is downloaded, you must unzip it as root by typing the following instruction:
Now we add this new version to the alternatives of the operating system by increasing the priority that OpenJDK has by default by 1:
Now we can check that we are using the new installed version:
When you want to change the version you must type:
If you want to keep the java version of your system independent from the one used by eclipse you can make use of this configuration parameter
:Just add it to the file
just before the line containing the parameter-vmargs
:When you load Eclipse next time it will use that jvm to start the program: