Hello, how do I eliminate the sort to a jquery dataTable, but to a specific column.
I have tried this:
In the following image I want to remove the sor only from the column#
Here I pass the code:
<table id="tableBirthdays" class="table display">
<th scope="col">#</th>
<th scope="col">Nombre</th>
<th scope="col">Apellido</th>
<th scope="col">Cargo</th>
<th scope="col">Fecha de Nacimiento</th>
<th scope="col">Inicio del cargo</th>
<th scope="col">Imagen</th>
<tfoot style="display: contents;">
<th>Fecha de Nacimiento</th>
<th>Inicio del cargo</th>
<tbody class="contentTable">
while ($fila = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
$col_image=($fila['image']==NULL) ? "default.png" : $col_id."/".$fila['image'] ;
$delete .= '<option class="opcionBirthdays" data-src="birthday" value="'.$col_id.'" title="'.$col_name." ".$col_surname.'">';
$delete .= $col_id.". ";
$delete .= $col_name." ".$col_surname;
$delete .= '</option>';
<label class="d-none"><?php echo $col_id; ?></label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<label><?php echo $col_id; ?></label>
<div class="col">
<button type="button" value="Guardar" name="detail" class="botonIQ btnGuardar" data-id="<?php echo $col_id; ?>" data-action='controller/uploadBirthday.php?tipo=0&code=<?php echo $col_id; ?>'>Guardar</button>
<input class="form-control" type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $col_name; ?>" width="150" id="birthdaysName-<?php echo $col_id; ?>" required/>
<label class="d-none"><?php echo $col_name; ?></label>
<input class="form-control" type="text" name="surname" value="<?php echo $col_surname; ?>" width="150" id="birthdaysSurname-<?php echo $col_id; ?>" required/>
<label class="d-none"><?php echo $col_surname; ?></label>
<input class="form-control" type="text" name="job" value="<?php echo $col_job; ?>" width="150" id="birthdaysJob-<?php echo $col_id; ?>"required/>
<label class="d-none"><?php echo $col_job; ?></label>
<input id="birthdaysBirthday-<?php echo $col_id; ?>" class="datepicker form-control" data-elemento="birthdays" width="150" value="<?php echo $col_cumple; ?>" name="birthday" readonly required/>
<label class="d-none"><?php echo $col_cumple; ?></label>
<input id="birthdaysStart-<?php echo $col_id; ?>" class="datepicker form-control" data-elemento="birthdays" width="150" value="<?php echo $col_start; ?>" name="start" readonly required/>
<label class="d-none"><?php echo $col_start; ?></label>
<form action='controller/uploadBirthday.php?tipo=1&code=<?php echo $col_id; ?>' class='dropzone' data-elemento="birthdays" enctype='multipart/form-data' id='birthdaysImage-<?php echo $col_id; ?>' style="height: 150px; width: 100px; font-size: 10px">
<img class='img-l miniImagen' width="40px" height="40px" src='images/<?php echo $col_image; ?>' />
<label class="d-none"><?php echo $col_image; ?></label>
And this is the js that builds the table
"paging": false,
language: {
"decimal": "",
"emptyTable": "No hay datos",
"info": "Mostrando de _START_ a _END_ felicitaciones de un total de _TOTAL_ felicitaciones",
"infoEmpty": "Mostrando de 0 a 0 felicitaciones de un total de 0 felicitaciones",
"infoFiltered": "(Filtro de _MAX_ total felicitaciones)",
"infoPostFix": "",
"thousands": ",",
"lengthMenu": "Mostrar _MENU_ felicitaciones",
"loadingRecords": "Cargando...",
"processing": "Procesando...",
"search": "Buscar:",
"zeroRecords": "No se encontraron coincidencias",
"paginate": {
"first": "Primero",
"last": "Ultimo",
"next": "Próximo",
"previous": "Anterior"
"aria": {
"sortAscending": ": Activar orden de columna ascendente",
"sortDescending": ": Activar orden de columna desendente"
}).columns().every( function () {
var that = this;
$('input', this.footer()).on('keyup change', function() {
if ( that.search() !== this.value ) {
.search( this.value )
You can set that option in DataTables, the column you want to remove the sort from is number 0 and it would look something like this:
I have edited the answer as the code had a few missing quotes in the language parameter . I have created a Fidle so you can see it works https://jsfiddle.net/ntfkjoz3/1/