Hi, I have the following query:
Seg.NombreUsuario, count(RelA.IDSeguidor) as `Siguiendo`, count(RelB.IDASeguir) as `Seguidores`
from Perfiles as Seg
inner join Relaciones as RelA on RelA.IDSeguidor = Seg.ID
inner join Relaciones as RelB on RelB.IDASeguir = Seg.ID
where Seg.ID = 1
Group by Seg.NombreUsuario
Order by Seg.ID
For the following scheme:
create table Perfiles
ID int primary key AUTO_INCREMENT,
NombreUsuario varchar(25) not null,
Clave varchar(25) not null,
Biografia varchar(300) null,
Edad int not null default 0,
Seguidores int not null
create table Relaciones
ID int primary key auto_increment,
IDSeguidor int not null,
IDASeguir int not null,
constraint fkIDSeg foreign key (IDSeguidor) references Perfiles(ID)
on update cascade on delete cascade,
constraint fkIDAs foreign key (IDASeguir) references Perfiles(ID)
on update cascade on delete cascade
When I run the query on a table that has the following values (I've left the query so you can check with the same test data):
insert into
Perfiles(NombreUsuario, Clave, Biografia, Edad, Seguidores)
('root', '123456', 'Una biografia 1', 18, 0),
('prueba2', 'valor', 'Otra bio', 16, 0),
('controles', 'contrase;a', 'Biografiaaaaa', 24, 0),
('cabello', 'perez34', 'Juanjoseguillermopere"', 30, 0),
('mrpelo', 'cebolla20', 'Mr Pelo1', 20, 0),
('cabeza1', 'lolololo', 'lololo cabezaaa', 13, 0),
('otrouser', 'user10', 'prueba 300', 17, 0),
('prueba3', '123543', 'Prueba 3', 14, 0),
('xJeremy', '13-SISN', '-6-004 :))', 19, 0),
('elultimo', 'elultimo', 'el ultimo', 16, 0);
insert into
Relaciones(IDSeguidor, IDAseguir)
-- ID 1, sigue al ID 6 y asi...
(1,6), (3,4), (1,8), (4,1), (5,1), (6,1),
(5,2), (2,5), (8,1), (1,8), (6,1), (6,3),
(2,6), (1,9), (9,1), (4,8), (3,7), (7,1),
(7,3), (5,6), (5,7), (5,8), (8,5), (1,5),
(9,8), (8,9), (10,1), (1,10), (10,2), (10,3),
(10,4), (4,10), (8,10), (7,10), (3,10), (10,5),
It gives me the following results:
| NombreUsuario | Siguiendo | Seguidores |
| root | 48 | 48 |
However, if I run the following query:
Seg.NombreUsuario, Count(Rel.IDASeguir) as `Siguiendo`
from Relaciones as Rel
inner join Perfiles as Seg on Rel.IDASeguir = Seg.ID
where Seg.ID = 1
It returns the correct amount to me in the field Siguiendo
(6) .
What I can be doing wrong?
The problem is that you're counting once for each row of the dataset resulting from your
s, when you should be counting the distinct valuesID
of the relations table:This gives me the following results:
Here is a demo version of this query.