Hello I am using this library https://phpspreadsheet.readthedocs.io/en/develop/
and I want to add a date and time filter that looks like this:
and in the DB the info is in the next structure: 2018-06-19 12:13:21
but when you put it in the cell it reads it as text and not as a date
what have i tried?
$worksheet->setCellValue('I'.$i, $user->created);
$this->longitudCeldas('I', $user->created, $worksheet);
If I add the previous line, it reads it as a number, so I think the solution is on this side.
Well I already found the solution so that the excel file automatically filters as a date:
In the previous line I convert the date obtained (
) from the database into the valid format for excel, and then I give a format to the cell that is how the client will see the dateSo it
is equivalent to the year with 4 digits, the month in numerical format with 2 digits, the day in numerical format with two digits and everything separated by/
,[$-240A]hh:mm:ss am/pm
it is equivalent to a 12-hour format, so if it is configured in the database as a 24-hour format, this converts it by differentiating the day and night witham/pm
, and the hours, minutes and seconds it puts in 2 digits and separated by:
And with this the filter looks like this: