I can't find a way to create a folder inside "res" in android studio, I have many images and I need to have them organized in a better way, adding certain images inside a folder would solve it, the problem is that I can't find a solution.
I can't find a way to create a folder inside "res" in android studio, I have many images and I need to have them organized in a better way, adding certain images inside a folder would solve it, the problem is that I can't find a solution.
Imagine that you want to create a folder called "Night" in RES.
1: Right click on res.
2: Then go to New.
3: Then go to Folder.
4: Then go to Res Folder Option and select.
A window will open.
5: In that window, click on the "Change Folder Location" box, assuming we are going to create the "Night" folder.
6: So name the newly created folder "Night", in the following format: src/main/res/Night
7: Press finish.
Simply locate the directory,
click on the right button and select "New" and then "Directory", with this it is enough to create a new folder.In project view type "Project":
In "Android" type project view: