My problem lies in the amount of data that I want to show in the pdf report, since small amounts of data are shown but in case of huge amounts it is not shown, the report that I want to export must have at least 50 pages but this one doesn't work, it does work with around 25 sheets and nothing else.
$pdf = \App::make('dompdf.wrapper');
$view= \View::make('invoice::liquidation.entrega_mes.reporte', [
'boletas' => $boletas,
'deudas' => $deudas,
$pdf->loadHTML($view)->setPaper('A4', 'landscape');
return $pdf->stream('detalle_amortizacion_deuda.pdf');
The error it shows me:
I get this message after a long load.
Maybe it's a timeout. If so, try adding this to the top of your class:
Of course, these are exaggerated limits, but if they work, you can configure them at your discretion and according to your needs.