I have downloaded tomcat 8 and I can start it without problems:
I open a console, I go to the bin folder and run startup.bat, tomcat starts to start but if I close that console the tomcat stops, how can I make it permanently and only stop if I stop the process
There are two ways you can run Tomcat 8 with the behavior you want.
Service Windows Installer
This option allows you to install Tomcat 8 with a wizard that will guide you through the installation of the program.
You have the option to add Tomcat to start as a Windows service as well as choose a name to identify this service from the Windows Services window .
If you took this option it is required to go to the folder where you unzipped Tomcat 8 , for example
), from a command line and execute the following:This will create a service with the name
which will give you the ability to use the tool located in the same Tomcattomcat8w.exe
folder where you can manage the service.If you need more information to customize any value you can consult the page: Windows service HOW-TO
Try, instead of running it with a double click, to launch it from the command line with the option
Edit the .bat file and write the word , at the end of the code,
and you will get the message:"Press any key to continue . . . "
. I hope I have helped.