in Java NetBeans I can consume a php Web Service adding it through RPC, several files are created with all the methods that the Web Service contains. But I realized that it works statically, that is, it works only with the URL that was entered at the beginning, if the Web Service changes servers, it would have to be re-imported from the new URL in the Java application to be able to consume it . How can it be done dynamically, that at the beginning of the session the URL is entered and through it connects to the Web Service without problems
So far these are the methods of consuming the WS
META.Service _service = new META.Service_Impl();
META.ServicePortType _port = _service.getServicePort();
META.Registro[] reg = _port.getUltimosRegistros();
I have not consumed a php service but I have used other ws, and in all of them the ws url can be overwritten, just check the META.Service class if it has any method to which you can pass the URL, an example could be _service.setEndpoint(" HERE_LA_URL"), and then the value of the URL, you parameterize it.