Step-by-Step Installation
1.Place the cobalt2.zsh-theme file in the ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/ directory.
2.Open your ZSH preferences in ~/.zshrc and change the theme variable to ZSH_THEME=cobalt2.
3.Install Powerline and necessary fonts, one way to use PIP
-For first time PIP users, please refer to this PIP installation guide -To install Powerline using pip
pip install --user powerline-status
-Now we install all the necessary sources by downloading or cloning the git repository.
git clone
cd fonts
3.In iTerm2 go to the Preferences panel in the Profiles tab.
4.In the Colors tab, import the cobalt2.itermcolors file via the Load Presets dropdown menu. 5.In the Text tab, change the font for each type (Regular and Non-ASCII) to 'Inconsolata for Powerline'. (See the powerline-fonts repository for help installing the font.)
6.Update ZSH by typing source ~/.zshr at the command line. a MinTTY environment
1.Place the cobalt2.zsh-theme file in the ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/ directory.
2.Open your ZSH preferences in ~/.zshrc and change the theme variable to ZSH_THEME="cobalt2".
3.Install ' Inconsolata for Powerline '. (See the powerline-fonts repository for help installing the font.)
4.Replace the ~/.minttyr file with the .minttyr file in this repository.
Well, for that you should install a "theme" you can find many on the web. But in this case what you are looking for is this:
Cobalt Iterm - Git repository
I hope it helps you.
Step-by-Step Installation 1.Place the cobalt2.zsh-theme file in the ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/ directory.
2.Open your ZSH preferences in ~/.zshrc and change the theme variable to ZSH_THEME=cobalt2.
3.Install Powerline and necessary fonts, one way to use PIP
-For first time PIP users, please refer to this PIP installation guide -To install Powerline using pip
-Now we install all the necessary sources by downloading or cloning the git repository.
3.In iTerm2 go to the Preferences panel in the Profiles tab.
4.In the Colors tab, import the cobalt2.itermcolors file via the Load Presets dropdown menu. 5.In the Text tab, change the font for each type (Regular and Non-ASCII) to 'Inconsolata for Powerline'. (See the powerline-fonts repository for help installing the font.)
6.Update ZSH by typing source ~/.zshr at the command line. a MinTTY environment
1.Place the cobalt2.zsh-theme file in the ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/ directory.
2.Open your ZSH preferences in ~/.zshrc and change the theme variable to ZSH_THEME="cobalt2".
3.Install ' Inconsolata for Powerline '. (See the powerline-fonts repository for help installing the font.)
4.Replace the ~/.minttyr file with the .minttyr file in this repository.
5.Restart your terminal.