I have a web page in PHP that displays an ad and below, users can ask questions about the product it sells. When loaded it does the following:
require '../../includes/conexion.php';
include '../../includes/funcs_pdo.php';
$codigo = base64_decode($_REQUEST['var']);
$conexion = new Conexion();
$stmt = $conexion -> prepare("SELECT T1.id, T1.titulo, T2.detalle as detalle2, T1.disponibles, T1.vendidos, T1.localizacion, T1.detalle, T1.foto, T1.precio, T1.forma_pago, T1.email, T1.telefono, T1.usuario, T1.idusuario, T1.lecturas FROM avisos as T1 INNER JOIN avisos_rubros as T2 ON T1.rubro = T2.id WHERE T1.id = :valor");
$stmt->bindParam(':valor', $codigo);
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$idUsuarioVendedor = $row['idusuario'];
The problem I have is that below I have the classic textarea with a button where the user asks the question, all within a form that I want to send to the same page by post. My question is where do I put the code of said post? after that? or before that code?
You could do it both ways, but if you want to use the value of
somewhere in your HTML, the logical thing to do would be to put the form after it. Also, you should check if the variable was POSTedvar