I have to save the difference of X files (pages of a pdf) and I need the differences of that page to be saved in each array (one per page).
I have managed to generate empty arrays dynamically, but my problem is how to push those arrays dynamically as well?
The content that must be "dynamic", since I don't know the total number of pages can vary, is that of the nested if that I show in the code:
//genera dinámicamente los arrays en los que se guardaran diferencias de cada página (el número total de páginas es allPages.length)
for (i=1; i<=allPages.length; i++) {
var pairs = []; //Ej. var combinations = ["texto1","texto2","4"];
for (var x=0; x<pairs.length; x++){
var diff = recognizeTerms(comb[x], 5, 50); //diferencias de todas las combinaciones posibles
for (y=1; y<allPages.length; y++) {
for (z=0; z<diff.length; z++) {
//A partir de aquí:
//¿Hay alguna manera de hacer este guardado en arrays dinámico?
//Ya que se deben guardar las diferencias de cada página en un array
if (combinations[x][2] == 1) {
if (diffPage1.includes(diff[z]) == false) { //comprueba que el string no existe ya en el array de diferencias
if (combinations[x][2] == 2) {
if (diffPage2.includes(diff[z]) == false) {
if (combinations[x][2] == 3) {
if (diffPage3.includes(diff[z]) == false) {
if (combinations[x][2] == 4) {
if (diffPage4.includes(diff[z]) == false) {
//sucesivos if ... (tantos como números de página haya), por ello necesito que sean dinámicos esos if
What you have to do is save the arrays in an array. That way you fix two things: you don't use
, which is always a bad idea, and you know the number of arrays you have:So your first loop looks like this:
and your innermost loop looks like this:
And the loop
for (y=1; y<allPages.length; y++) {
is left over because you're not using ity
for anything.